Julie Corfe Artist

Julie Corfe - Artist

  • Julie Corfe

Julie is a painter and print maker. Her work shows domestic and social history, her life and surroundings of Adelaide and the Hills.

She is a South Australian artist who lives in Stirling in the Adelaide Hills.

Click here for a Full biography

"Julie Corfe has her own slightly eccentric version of David Hockney's style"
"The Advertiser" Review by Neville Weston of War Babies Exhibition 1982

"She is a very passionate Artist, someone who has pressed on through the years with blithe, amusing, questing, vibrant personal statements, usually delighting people, her friends, the family gathered  and on excursions, her environs - whimsical observations, warm and joyous.

Julie's lyrical pictures of folk and places I'd likened to bright, pastoral French Art coalesced in Aussie snapshots of things loved and valued."

Opening speech by Lynn Collins at the Exhibition "
Julie Corfe - a painter of friends - a friend for life" Mogo Raw Art & Blues - Mogo, N.S.W.

Contact details

email: julie@juliecorfe.com

phone: +61 8 8370 9056

Contact Julie


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